Antipasti arranged on the inside of rosemary springs in the shape of a pine tree.

Rosemary Olive and Antipasti Trees

Our friends from Sweet Paul magazine created these beautiful trees made with rosemary and our olives and antipasti. Perfect for a fun, festive way for friends and family to gather around the table.



  1. To assemble, lay out the outline of a pine tree that matches the size of your surface and quantity of your ingredients.
  2. Fill in the tree with rosemary and then place bands of antipasti on top to decorate.
  3. Separate each band with more rosemary. Replenish as needed.

Rosemary Olive and Antipasti Trees

Our friends from Sweet Paul magazine created these beautiful trees made with rosemary and our olives and antipasti. Perfect for a fun, festive way for friends and family to gather around the table.