
18 Delicious Spaghetti Recipes Everyone Will Love

18 Delicious Spaghetti Recipes Everyone Will Love

We’re excited to share with you some of our favorite Spaghetti recipes.

There’s a reason why Spaghetti is one of the most popular pasta shapes on the planet. Not only are Spaghetti noodles fun to twirl and eat, but this long-cut pasta is about as versatile as it gets. Spaghetti shines in nearly every application, from veggie-loaded pasta recipes with olive oil and Parmesan cheese to rich and meaty tomato sauces like the famous Bolognese.

Pasta is a food for all seasons and Spaghetti recipes are no different. You can stave off the cold wintry days with a cheesy baked Pasta Fritta (Spaghetti Pie) or create a classic Italian sauce for summer made with fresh garden tomatoes like Homemade Spaghetti Pomodoro. Spaghetti is a pantry staple that has numerous capabilities in the kitchen—more than just that iconic plate of Spaghetti and Meatballs or Spaghetti and meat sauce. That said, don’t be afraid to create your own Spaghetti recipe featuring whatever you have on-hand: leftover ground beef, fresh herbs, seasonal vegetables, heirloom tomatoes, garlic, olive oil… get creative!

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Shop Gluten-Free Spaghetti:

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This recipe truly represents authentic Italian cuisine. Featuring fresh tomatoes, basil and garlic, and extra virgin olive oil, this spaghetti is a signature dish at Ristorante Don Alfonso 1890 in Sorrento, Italy. With just a few simple ingredients, this recipe is a perfect example of why Italian cooking is so special.

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Straight from Nerano, Italy, this zucchini spaghetti is unlike any pasta dish you’ve ever had. The sauce is made from pureed fried zucchini, hot pasta water and grated cheese. The result? An exquisite, unique spaghetti dish that proves it only takes a few simple, fresh ingredients to make a masterpiece dinner.

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Three types of peppers add sweetness and a spicy kick to this spaghetti. Pan-fried Calabrian chili peppers, roasted piquillo peppers and roasted red peppers make the bulk of a rustic pasta sauce that pairs perfectly with al dente spaghetti.

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This vegetable-heavy spaghetti dish gets a salty kick from fried pancetta. Pair that with fresh tomatoes and kale for a burst of flavors and textures that will leave you satisfied. Just be aware: Once you try this pasta you might be ruined for traditional spaghetti and tomato sauce forever.

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It only takes four simple ingredients to make a spaghetti dish that will knock your socks off: spaghetti noodles, olive oil, garlic and chili pepper flakes. This dish is a typical recipe from Italy’s Lazio region—Rome, in particular. It’s a classic example of cucina povera, loosely translated as “humble cooking,” appreciated all over the world.

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If you’re looking for a way to mix things up in the kitchen, this Pasta Frittata will do the trick. Featuring hot Italian sausage, roasted red peppers and DeLallo San Marzano-Style Diced Tomatoes, this unique spaghetti pie includes some of our favorite Italian flavors in one creamy, cheesy slice.

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If you’ve never made this simple-but-famous Roman pasta dish, you’re missing out. It only takes four ingredients and a few simple steps to make this classic Italian recipe. Just season your spaghetti with melted butter, fresh black pepper and grated Romano cheese for a quick, authentic Italian meal.

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There isn’t much more satisfying than a spaghetti recipe with some Old-World flair. This classic Carbonara boasts a rich and velvety sauce featuring egg, diced bacon, grated Italian cheese and black pepper. Though traditional in its roots, this pasta dish is quick and easy—a perfect weeknight meal made with only a few ingredients.

Want more carbonara recipes? Click here!

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You’re just 30 minutes away from a tasty, protein-packed, veggie-loaded spaghetti dinner. This all-in-one meal stars some of your favorite pantry essentials—like DeLallo Navy Beans, San Marzano-Style Tomatoes and Panko Breadcrumbs—and turns into a winning meal for any night of the week.

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Our hearty whole-wheat spaghetti noodles are the perfect foundation for the big flavors of this Puttanesca olive pasta sauce. We love the combination of smoky, tart Calamata Olives and garlicky Green Aglio Olives in a tangy tomato sauce. Don’t forget the toasty garlicky breadcrumb finish.

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With only four ingredients, this easy spaghetti squash recipe is one for your recipe box. Our Italian Tomato Bruschetta is more than just a toast topper, but a flavorful addition to countless kitchen creations.

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A classic dish of pasta and pesto gets a healthful twist when you swap out the traditional pasta for spaghetti squash. Herbaceous pesto and tender squash is an incredible pairing. We top it off with crispy toasted pine nuts for added texture.

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If you’re looking for a simple spaghetti squash recipe to serve on pasta night or a new veggie-loaded meal for Meatless Monday, this classic “pasta” and red sauce is sure to check all the boxes.

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Quick and easy, but sure to fill you up, this Spaghetti recipe is bound to be an instant hit. Who can resist all of these classic Italian cheeses melted in a casserole dish with Spaghetti noodles? It’s as simple and delicious as it sounds!

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If you’ve ever wondered how to cook up your favorite dish of Spaghetti and Meatballs in the Instant Pot, this pasta recipe is a dream come true. This Spaghetti recipe subs ground turkey for the traditional ground beef to lighten things up without sacrificing flavor.

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We can’t create a whole recipe roundup of the famous Spaghetti pasta without sharing a Spaghetti and Meatballs recipe! Our DeLallo Pomodoro Fresco Tomato-Basil Sauce is the foundation for this tangy tomato sauce alongside the addition of fresh herbs and a mixture of ground beef, pork and veal. The shaved Parmesan cheese on top is a kiss of perfection.

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Sometimes you come across a pasta recipe that cooks up like a work of art. The brilliant harmony of flavors and the contrasting textures of this spaghetti recipe come together like a true masterpiece. The good news is that chewy sun-dried tomatoes, crisp toasty pine nuts and briny capers are pantry staples that you probably already have on-hand.

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This incredible spaghetti recipe checks so many boxes: healthy, gluten free and easy to make in your slow cooker. Just because you follow a gluten-free diet doesn’t mean you have to skip pasta night. Our Gluten-Free Spaghetti is the perfect substitute.

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